Monday, February 25, 2008

Maximize your online outreach

Most small businesses we've discovered don't utilize all the online resources available to them, some of the few who do find tend to themselves with a small network. And at times there isn't a place that provides directinformation on how to become effective by yourself at this.

I was speaking to Lantz a few moments ago and thought we should organize a course/tutorial entailing online content management as well as blogging resources. This will increase marketing outreach while providing information on managing your blog and keeping track of traffic. The web serves as a viable method of keeping/making contact withprospects and placing yourself strategically ensures that you attract relevanttraffic.

What are your thoughts around this? Is this an event that can be viable for you as a business or individual? We haven't yet confirmed a date for this event, will be inviting somebloggersand possibly a blog/web directory.
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