Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Fludity is a resource

I have always been looking for business development resources that are at a centralized place and – to my surprise – there wasn’t such a place, which caused to continue my search. What I didn’t realize at the time is that, this wasn’t entrepreneurial of me, as most successful entrepreneurs would say, “create your own opportunities”.

Research then led me to a book I always refer to called The Bootstrapper’s Bible by Seth Godin and this work, unlike most business reads I’ve stumbled upon, is actually designed with a new business owner in mind. In fact Seth tells you exactly how to construct a business that will be long lasting – providing you have a business idea - and what to look for.

It proves that resourcefulness is what separates a true entrepreneur from the rest. Some of the things that make a small business thrive over larger competitors are:

· Fluidity
· The ease with which your entity can move and take advantage of opportunities.
· Closeness with your market.
· Adaptability of new ideas in the business.
· Decision-making is easier and can be made by one individual.

My view is that clients are changing daily and gone are those where mass-production makes a few people loads of money. People are individuals and have to be treated as such, which is what I find distinguishes Seth Godin from a large pool of authors and this time from any other.

What have you been captivated by in any company? Or changes that occur which benefit new entrepreneurs. In my case it has been the creativity of individuals such as Seth and Richard Mulholland - who continually improve their last accomplishment.
Your fluidity means that you are not tied down to convention and are able to turn things for you growth. But how many of us are able to do this? Those who do, however, are the many that actually change service provision as we’ve come to know it and a small business affords you this.


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