Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Netweb defined : Who you know counts

In our search for answers while establishing ourselves and a business. We found that who you know counts in building a formidable company.

With this in mind we designed the Netweb as a series of talks and networking events. This is for the exchange of experience, contacts and marketing yourself as the story behind your business/profession.

Netweb sessions consolidate both on and offline resources to develop people. What you do with the resources is up to you. The growth of a company I believe is determined by the events which occur during its existence. The same goes for people.

So if you want to accelerate your growth by being there as things happen, then the Netweb is for you. If not, then perhaps you should read the next post.

We have no inclinations of taking over the world. It would be great to know someone who can make that possible though.


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